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Editors Note: The Hindu reports that India, on July 17, delivered 44,000 metric tons of urea under a credit line extended to Sri Lanka, as part of New Delhi’s ongoing efforts to support the island nation’s farmers and help bolster bilateral cooperation for food security, the Indian High Commission in Colombo said.

Dananjaya Silva:這場危機影響的不僅是農(nóng)村茶葉行業(yè)。據(jù)報告稱,在科倫坡大家難以獲得融資、燃料和可靠的電力。您能和我們說一下茶葉委員會是如何解決這些問題的嗎?

Dananjaya – The crisis not only impacts the rural tea sector. Service providers report difficulties obtaining financing, fuel, and reliable electrical power in Colombo, Sri Lanka’s hub for blending, packaging, and shipping. Will you describe how the tea board is addressing these concerns?

Niraj de Mel:我認為需要對此進行一些澄清。個體商戶基本上在處理這些問題,但我們正在盡可能地提供幫助。我試圖向政府官員們灌輸一個理念,我們必須快速反應(yīng)提出對策。

Niraj – I think there needs to be some clarification on this. The private sector basically handles it, but we are trying as far as possible to assist. I have tried to instill into the minds of the officials that we have to be an enabling outfit.


Going back to your question No. 2, there’s one item that was missed: the fuel factor. Actually, that has taken precedence over fertilizer now because the collection of leaves as well as bringing the manufactured tea out is essential to run your factories. Exporter functions, particularly the tea bagging sector, where the machines have to be run continuously, all require an uninterrupted power supply. Power cuts that have been prevailing in this country for the last 4-5 months are an encumbrance to the people, as a result of that, now compounded by the fact that there’s fuel scarcity, particularly diesel. So given the availability of fuel we are trying our best to contact all concerned with the right message to ensure that the producers get their fuel quota.


They cannot have it the way they used to have, because the country itself is, you know, is importing fuel ship by ship. The private sector importers, in particular, have stepped in, which is very magnanimous on their part. To fast-track this process, the government has said, well, if you can produce the foreign exchange, you can certainly get the fuel across. So, the private sector exporters banded together to give off whatever they could.

Dananjaya Silva:今年以來新問題不斷涌現(xiàn),從停電到限油,茶葉行業(yè)凝聚了一批久經(jīng)沙場的專業(yè)人士,他們能夠迅速做出反應(yīng),做好準備,確保行業(yè)繼續(xù)運轉(zhuǎn)。

Dananjaya – As new problems have arisen over the course of this year, from power cuts to rationing fuel, the tea industry has drawn on a battle-hardened core of tea professionals who are able to react quickly and make provisions to see that the industry continues to operate.

Niraj de Mel:沒錯,155年來,茶業(yè)一直是斯里蘭卡最具韌性的行業(yè)之一。茶行業(yè)不會有其它干擾,我們也正在處理,盡管它具有挑戰(zhàn)性。大家非常團結(jié),特別是現(xiàn)在,他們必須共同面對當前的這些問題。我們從2020年新冠疫情起就這樣做了。大家基本都會在兩個半星期內(nèi)聚集在一起,在電商平臺上進行拍賣,這做法很棒,而且一直延續(xù)至今。科倫坡交易員非常有信心,大家不會回到原有舊的喊價系統(tǒng)。我是以經(jīng)紀人的身份開始茶葉事業(yè),很喜歡喊價系統(tǒng),但事實是我們必須與時俱進。該平臺使我們能夠加速進程,讓買家、生產(chǎn)商和經(jīng)紀人能夠節(jié)省時間。

Niraj – That’s right. That’s right, reaffirming that Sri Lanka tea has for 155 years been one of the most resilient industries in this country. There will be little disruptions here and there, but the fact of the matter is we are managing, though it’s challenging. There is great unity among the stakeholders, particularly now with these current issues which they had to face together. Wed at the beginning of the pandemic back in 2020. Everybody came together in two and a half weeks to quickly convert to an electronic platform to conduct the auctions, which was great. That carries on to this day. The Colombo traders are very, very confident that there will not be a return to the old outcry system. Id life as a broker and enjoyed the outcry system, but the fact-of-the-matter is we have to move with the times. The platform has enabled us to quicken the process, giving buyers, producers, and brokers time to spend on other things.

文章選自Tea Biz

